Thursday, August 1, 2013

So easy but so lovely - Lemon-Blueberry-Muffins and my first try using rolled fondant

(scroll down for the german recipe)

Although I have to admit that regarding cakes and pies I am a real chocolate fanatic, I cant stay away from berries this summer. Whether strawberries, raspberries or blackberries, all of them will be found time by time in my kitchen. The race leader this year: definitely blueberries! They are so easily combineable.

Therefor you wont be surprised that I now tried an amazing recipe created by  Jeanny (which I amended a little) already for the second time within 2 weeks. The first time the lucky ones were my colleagues from work, that could enjoy this recipe baked in a loaf pan. This time, I used this recipe as basis for my first use of rolled fondant. Don't cakes covered in it look soooo cute? I decided to try muffins. And I think the result turned out to be really adorable...

(for ~16 muffins)

Ingredients for the muffins:
• 240g flour (+ a little flour for the preparation of the blueberries) 
 1 teaspoon baking powder
 1/2 teaspoon salt
 125g butter
 180g sugar
 1 tablespoon lemon zest
 freshly squeezed lemon juice
 3 eggs
 125ml milk
 150g blueberries

Ingredients for the cover:
• 1 pack rolled fondant (I chose light rose)
 50g butter
 1 teaspoon vanilla essence

 125g powder sugar

Preheat oven to 175°. Mix flour, baking powder and salt. In a microwave safe bowl melt butter. Stir in sugar, lemon zest and lemon juice until foamy. Add eggs slowly to buttermixture. Add milk and stir. Now add the flour mixture and mix until smooth. Roll blueberries in flour and add to dough. Now fill the dough into the muffin cups (almost entirely to the top). Bake for ~ 15 minutes (test with a skewer). Remove muffins from the oven and let cool.

For the cover melt the butter and let cool. Add the vanilla essence and the powder sugar and stir until smooth. Roll out fondant on top of an even surface covered with a little flour (~2-3 mm thick). Cut out circles slightly bigger than the muffin (I used a wine glass upside down). Now place a little of the butter creme on top of the muffin (not to far on the outside). Then place the rolled fondant circle on top and press lightly onto the muffin. Optional: place decoration flowers or similar on top of the fondant layer).

(für etwa 16 Muffins)


• 240g Mehl (+ etwas Mehl für die Vorbereitung der Blaubeeren)
 1TL Backpulver
 1/2 TL Salz
 125g Butter
 180g Zucker
 1 EL Zitronenabrieb
 frisch gepresster Zitronensaft von 2 Zitronen
 3 Eier
 125ml Milch
 150g Blaubeeren

Zutaten für die Fondanthülle:
• 1 Packung Rollfondant (ich habe helles rosa genommen)
 50g Butter
 1 TL Vanille Aroma

 125g Puderzucker

Ofen auf 175° Umluft vorheizen. Mehl, Backpulver und Salz mischen. In einer mikrowellenfesten Schüssel Butter schmelzen, dann mit Zucker, Zitronenabrieb und Zitronensaft schaumig rührern. Eier nach und nach zufügen. Milch ebenfalls zugeben. und alles schön vermischen. Mehlmischung zufügen und rühren bis ein homogener Teig enstanden ist. Die Blaubeeren kurz in Mehl wenden und unter die Teigmasse heben. Nun den Teig in Muffinförmchen füllen (fast komplett bis zum Rand füllen) und ca. 15 Minuten backen (Stäbchenprobe). Muffins aus dem Ofen nehmen und abkühlen lassen.

Für die Fondantunterlage die Butter in der Mikrowelle schmelzen und abkühlen lassen. Das Vanillearoma und den Puderzucker zufügen und rühren bis eine glatte Masse entsteht. Den Rollfondant auf einer glatten, bemehlten Unterlage ausrollen (ca 2-3mm dick). Kreise ausstechen, die ein bisschen größer sind, als der Muffin (Ich habe ein umgedrehtes Weinglas benutzt). Ein wenig Buttercreme auf den Muffin schmieren (nicht zu viel an den Rand). Jetzt den Rollfondantkreis auf den Muffin legen und leicht andrücken. Optional: Dekoration auf dem Fondant platzieren.

Soooo cute, aren't they?

Amsterdam - a long weekend in the dutch capital

As I recently moved to the Netherlands, I definitely had to visit the capital. With the famous red light district and numerous coffee shops Amsterdam has its own specific reputation. However, the city has much more to offer.

In addition to a visit to the "Anne Frank House" and the Amsterdam Dungeon we enjoyed a town canal cruise at night, as well as a general discovery tour through Amsterdam's streets and alleys. And one evening our way led as well through some of the many streets of the red light district.

But Amsterdam has as well many beautiful buildings. Lots of nice restaurants, cafes and shops scream for strolling and relaxing...

nice start in the day

Since this visit took place in the rather cold season of this year, I definitely plan to visit Amsterdam in the summer.

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Light & fluffy yogurt waffles - a pleasure without bad conscience

(scroll down for the german recipe)

Waffles!!! Since I am living very close to the Belgian border,you can get Belgian waffles almost on every corner . The scent: irresistible! The only drawback, the waffles are incredibly greasy... mostly just overkill. But there is a solution. Here you will find my recipe for super delicious light and fluffy yogurt waffles!

(for ~4 waffles)

• 1 egg
 1 teaspoon backing powder
 100g flour
 80g low-fat yogurt
 30ml water
 75ml low-fat milk
 1 teaspoon vanilla sugar
 waffle iron

Mix milk, water, egg, yogurt and vanilla sugar. Add flour and baking powder. Let waffle iron heat. Place a big tablespoon of the mixture in the middle of the waffle iron, close and wait until waffles are slightly brown.

My serving suggestion: sprinkle with a cinnamon-sugar mixture and serve with apple sauce

(für etwa 4 Waffeln)

• 1 Ei
 1 gehäufter TL Backpulver
 100g Mehl
 80g Magerjoghurt
 30ml Wasser
 75ml fettarme Milch
 1 TL Vanillezucker

Milch, Wasser, Ei, Joghurt und Vanillezucker miteinander verrührern. Mehl und Backpulver unterrühren.
Waffeleisen heißwerden lassen. Jeweils einen großen Esslöffel Teig in die Mitte des Waffeleisens geben, Waffeleisen schließen und warten bis die Waffeln leicht gebräunt sind.

Mein Serviervorschlag: mit etwas Zimt-Zucker-Mischung bestreuen und mit Apfelmus servieren

Monday, July 29, 2013

Strawberry-Yogurette-Cake - a highlight for the summer

(scroll down for the german recipe)

Cake in summer? Of course! First of all there is no bad weather for cake. With so many different variations there is cake for every temperature.
When passing by the fruit market this morning, the fresh bright red strawberries laughed at me, so I thought: why not combine them with my lately growing desire for Yogurette bars?!
The result was a cute little summer cake. Check it out...

(for a small springform pan, diameter ~ 12cm)

Ingredients for the cake base:
 50g sugar
 1 big egg
 30g flour
 1 tablespoon vanillapuddingpowder
 1 teaspoon vanilla essence
 1 teaspoon vanilla sugar

Ingredients for the creme:
 200g plain yogurt
 150ml cream
 2 gelatin leaves
 1 tabelspoon sugar
 1 tablespoon vanilla sugar
 3-4 Yogurette bars
 150g strawberries (fresh)

Preheat oven to 200°. Mix egg with sugar and vanilla sugar until foamy. Add vanilla essence, vanillapuddingpowder and flour. Fill mixture evenly into the buttered springform pan and bake for ~ 15 minutes. After baking let cool.

Cut 3 strawberries into thin slices, the rest into halves (optional: save some strawberries for decoration) Spread strawberry slices onto the cake base. Mix strawberry halves, plain yogurt, sugar and vanilla sugar and puree. Prepare gelatin leaves according to package instructions and add to the pureed yogurt-mixture. Whisk cream stiff. Cut Yogurette bars into small pieces. Add whipped cream and Yogurette pieces to the strawberry-yogurt-mixture. Spread creme on top of the cake base (using a cake ring makes it easy) and let rest in the fridge for a few hours before serving.

(für eine kleine Springform, Durchmesser ca. 12cm))

Zutaten für den Boden:
 50g Zucker
 1 großes Ei
 30g Mehl
 1 EL Vanillepuddingpulver
 1 TL Vanille-Extrakt
 1 TL Vanillezucker

Zutaten für die Creme:
 200g Naturjoghurt
 150ml Sahne
 2 Blatt-Gelatine
 1 EL Zucker
 1 EL Vanillezucker
 3-4 Riegel Yogurette
 150g Erdbeeren (frische)

Backofen auf 200° vorheizen. Das Ei mit dem Zucker und Vanillezucker schaumig rühren. Vanille-Extrakt, Vanillepuddingpulver und Mehl unterrühren. Die Masse gleichmässig in die eingefettete Springform füllen und ca. 15 Minuten backen. Nach dem backen den Boden auskühlen lassen.

3 Erdbeeren in dünne Scheiben schneiden, den Rest halbieren (optional einige Erdbeeren zur Dekoration aufheben). Die Erdbeerscheiben auf dem Boden verteilen. Zu den restlichen Erdbeeren den Naturjoghurt, Zucker und Vanillezucker zufügen und alles mit dem Pürierstab pürieren. Die Gelatine nach Packungsanweisung zubereiten und der Joghurtmischung zufügen. Die Sahne steif schlagen. Die Yogurette-Riegel in Stückchen schneiden. Geschlagene Sahne und Yogurette unter die Erdbeer-Joghurt-Masse heben. Die Masse auf dem Biskuitboden verteilen (am einfachsten einen Tortenring drumherum legen) und im Kühlschrank einige Stunden festwerden lassen.

I hope this cake will sweeten one or the other of your nice summer days!

Sunday, July 28, 2013

PAMK - "Together it tastes better" - my first round

I think this event is great!! Three bloggers teamed up (Clara from tastesheriff, Jeanny from Zucker, Zimt und Liebe and Rike from Lykkelig) and created PAMK - post from my kitchen! What exactly is it? To participate you can sign up (whether you are a blogger or just a passionate baker or cook doesnt matter) in a given period on . When the deadline passed, you will receive an email with your exchange partner, then its time to be creative. Each PAMK round has a specific theme.

This time: "Together it tastes better - I give you a piece of delicious happiness."

Whether sweet or savory, let your creativity go wild and create a nice package for your exchange partner. This package should then be sent in a given period, or you can meet in person if you live close to each other.
On a Pinterest board you can then inspect the packages sent by most of the participants!
I think the idea is great and I had a lot of fun!

Here you can see, what I sent my exchange partner, Susanne from Villa Kunterbunt ...
Homemade grissini with red tomato pesto as the perfect snack for a drink with friends (recipe), popcorn with a cinnamon-sugar-mixture for the favorite movie with the best friend and a hot chocolate mix with marshmallows to enjoy with a lemon-blueberry-glass-cake for the hopefully little rainy days this summer.
Of course I was very excited about Susanne's package for me - filled with super delicious vanilla toffees and a homemade lip balm! 
Definitely I will join the next round, what about you?

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Paella - a never ending love story

(scroll down for the german recipe)

In general: the spanish cuisine is one of my favorites. Besides the well-known tapas, I love local dishes like " arroz caldoso" (similar to a paella in soup form) or "fideua" (noodle paella). I just cant get enough of paella. For the first time I tried a "paella valenciana" of course, in Valencia. It was soooo delicious! The valencian paella has chicken, snails and white and green beans. Then in Barcelona I had a seafood paella. And again, it was soooo good, especially as I am an incredible seafood fan!

Obviously I had to get a paella pan. So I went to the stores and bought the pan, passed by the weekly fishmarket and did some shopping. 
The result: a for the first try surprisingly insanely delicious paella! Here you go...

Seafood Paella
(for 2 servings)

 200g paella rice (e.g. Bomba)
 1 onion
 3 garlic cloves
 200g sieved tomatos
 ~ 15 unpeeled shrimp (best: fresh ones)
 200g calamari (best: fresh)
 fish head
 optional chillipowder
 olive oil
 paella pan

In a cooking pot bring water to boil. Remove heads and tails and peel shrimp. When water is boiling, add the shrimp heads, tails and peel, as well as the fish head. Cook for ~ 25 minutes. In the meantime cut calamari into pieces, chop onion and garlic cloves.
After 25 minutes fill the fish soup through a filter into a measuring cup (fill up to  the 500ml mark). Season fish soup with curcuma.
Heat oil in the paella pan, roast onions and garlic. Add sieved tomatos and cook another minute. Add rice and ~ 150ml fishsoup. Add calamari. Stir regularly, season with salt (optional with chilli), when the rice absorbed the liquid add more fishsoup. Repeat until rice is done. Remove paella pan from hot plate and press shrimp into the rice. Let Paella rest for 5-10 minutes covered with a kitchen towel.

Meeresfrüchte Paella
(für 2 Portionen)

 200g Paella Reis (z.B. Bomba)
 1 Zwiebel
 3 Knoblauchzehen
 200g passierte Tomaten
 ca. 15 ungeschälte Shrimp (am besten frisch)
 200g Tintenfisch (am besten frisch)
 einen Fischkopf
 evtl. Chillipulver

Wasser in einem Topf zum Kochen bringen. Die Köpfe und Schwänze entfernen und die Shrimp schälen. Wenn das Wasser kocht, Köpfe, Schwänze und Schale der Shrimp in den Topf zufügen, den Fischkopf ebenfalls mithineingeben. Ca. 25 Minuten kochen lassen. Währenddessen Tintenfisch in Stücke schneiden, Zwiebeln und Knoblauch kleinhacken. 
Nach 25 Minuten die Fischsuppe durch ein Sieb in einen Messbecher füllen (ca. bis zur 500ml Markierung). Fischsuppe ordentlich mit Kurkuma würzen.
Etwas Öl in der Paella Pfanne erhitzen, Zwiebeln und Knoblauch anbraten. Passierte Tomaten zufügen und ca. 1 Minute weiterbraten. Den Reis zufügen und etwas Fischsuppe zugeben (ca. 150ml). Tintenfisch ebenfalls hineingeben. Immer mal wieder umrührern, mit etwas Salz würzen, optional auch mit Chilli. Wenn der Reis die Flüssigkeit aufgesogen hat, mehr Fischsuppe nachgießen, bis der Reis gar ist. Dann Paella Pfanne von der heißen Herdplatte nehmen, die Schrimp in den Reis drücken und die Paella mit einem Küchentuch abgedeckt 5-10 Minuten ziehen lassen.

This is definitely one of my favourite dishes! It is really easy to prepare! And if you want to make your spanish dinner perfect I will soon share with you the recipe for my favourite cocktail: Mojito!!!!!

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Grissini with tomato-pesto - perfect snack for my favorite TV show

(scroll down for the german recipe)

Whether I watch a TV show or a movie, somehow I always need snacks. Since I'm not a big fan of supermarket-potato chips, my chocolate gets melt by the heat and there was no ice cream anywhere in my freezer, I needed a quick alternative.

I always wanted to try making grissini, italian breadsticks. But just breadsticks - that's kind of boring, so I had to find a dip. What matches better than a pesto dip. I love pesto in all variations and decided to try a tomato pesto. The result was surprisingly delicious!

(~ 15 pieces)


  • 250g flour
  • 1/2 package dry yeast
  • 140ml water
  • 1 TL salt
  • 2 EL olive oil
  • to sprinkle (optional) : poppy seeds, sesame, caraway, sea salt

Knead all ingredients for about 5 minutes to an elastic dough. Cover with a kitchentowel and let rest for 10 minutes. Then knead quickly again. On a backing tray (with a piece of baking paper) roll out dough, about 0,5-1cm thick, cover again and let rest another 10 minutes. Cut dough into 1cm wide stripes. Separate stripes and brush with water. Sprinkle with coating of your choice. Twirl the stripes. Bake in the preheated oven for about 15 minutes (200°). Let cool.

Red Tomato-Pesto
( 2 jars)


  • 2 garlic cloves
  • 2 tablespoons pine nuts
  • 1 glas dried tomatos in oil (mine was 185g)
  • 20 black olives without stones
  • 50g grated pecorino-cheese 
  • salt
  • olive oil

Roast pine nuts in a frying pan without oil until golden brown. Take out and let cool. Peel garlic cloves. Puree garlic cloves, pine nuts, dried tomatos including the oil, olives and pecorino-cheese. Taste with salt. Optional add more olive oil if you wish. Fill red pesto into screw top jars and fill up with olive oil until pesto is covered completely ( if not it will go bad). Life period in the fridge ~3-4 weeks.

(ca 15 Stück)


  • 250g Mehl
  • 1/2 Päckchen Trockenhefe
  • 140ml Wasser
  • 1 TL Salz
  • 2 EL Olivenöl
  • optional zum bestreuen: Mohn, Sesam, Kümmel, Meersalz etc.

Alle oben genannten Zutaten in eine Schüssel geben und ca. 5 Minuten lang zu einem elastischen Teig verkneten.Mit einem Küchentuch bedeckt den Teig 10 Minuten ruhen lassen, dann nochmals durchkneten.
Teig auf einem mit Backpapier ausgelegten Backblech zu einem Rechteck ausrollen (ca 0,5-1cm dick) und abgedeckt nochmals 10 Minuten ruhen lassen. Dann Teig in ca 1cm breite Streifen schneiden. Die einzelnen Streifen trennen, mit Wasser bestreichen und mit Belag nach Wahl bestreuen. Die Streifen dann zwirbeln. Im vorgeheizten Backofen bei 200° ca 15 Minuten backen. Auf einem Küchenrost abkühlen lassen.

Rotes Tomaten-Pesto
( 2 Gläser)


  • 2 Knoblauchzehen
  • 2 EL Pinienkerne
  • 1 Glas getrocknete Tomaten in Öl (meines war 185g)
  • 20 schwarze Oliven ohne Stein
  • 50g Pecorino-Käse grob gerieben
  • Salz
  • Olivenöl

Die Pinienkerne in einer Pfanne ohne Öl goldbraun anrösten, herausnehmen und abkühlen lassen. Knoblauchzehen schälen. Pinienkerne, Knoblauch, getrocknete Tomaten inklusive dem Öl, Oliven und Pecorino-Käse pürieren und mit Salz abschmecken. Nach Wahl noch etwas Olivenöl zufügen. Rotes Pesto in Schraubgläser füllen und mit Öl soweit aufgießen, dass das Pesto komplett bedeckt ist (sonst verdirbt es). Haltbarkeit im Kühlschrank ca. 3-4 Wochen.

By the way also a great idea for a give away!!!